Frequently Asked Questions

Request a free consultation by filling out this form. I will get back to you promptly (between 24-48 hours later) to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. We will discuss your needs and my therapeutic style to assess whether or not we are a good fit. If I don’t feel we’re a good fit, I can also pass along the contact information of a different therapist who I feel may be a better fit for you.
I would consider myself an eclectic therapist, which means that I may draw from multiple theories in order to best serve you. A client that uses symbols and imagery in their art, or thinks of their life as a story may do well with a narrative approach. Clients interested in changing maladaptive thoughts may benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy. I do utilize an anti-oppressive and anti-racist approach in my sessions.
I do offer virtual sessions, although a solid internet connection with access to a device with a camera and microphone are required. I would also suggest a private, quiet location that you are comfortable in. I am registered as an associate therapist to practice in the state of California only. This means you must be located in the state of California in order to work with me.
Sessions last 50 minutes.
My pricing utilizes a ‘tiered’ system. I have openings for $100, $150, and $200 sessions. Usually I offer $50 sessions, but these slots are full and unavailable at this time. Unfortunately, I do not accept insurance. Please read the next question for more on insurance.
Insurance companies often require a client to have a diagnosis early on in the therapeutic process, and encourage consistent weekly progress. I do not believe that these, and other constraints are beneficial to the therapeutic relationship. Thus I have made the difficult decision not to accept insurance. However, I do offer a tiered system of fees.
Tiered system refers to the different fee rates that I charge. The $50 and $100 rates are for client’s with a lower income, while $150 and $200 rates are for clients with higher incomes.